browse files // control panel

or choose your OS for cooler alternatives:

make this server appear on your computer as a regular HDD!
pick your favorite below (sorted by performance, best first) and lets 🎉

placeholders: pw=password, W:=mountpoint pw=password, mp=mountpoint


if you can, install winfsp+rclone and then paste this in cmd:

                rclone config create rive-dav webdav url= vendor=owncloud pacer_min_sleep=0.01ms user=k pass=pw
                rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 5s rive-dav: W:

if you want to use the native WebDAV client in windows instead (slow and buggy), first run webdav-cfg.bat to remove the 47 MiB filesize limit (also fixes latency and password login), then connect:

                net use w: k /user:pw
                yum install davfs2
                printf '%s\n' pw k | mount -t davfs -ouid=1000 mp

make it automount on boot:

                printf '%s\n' " pw k" >> /etc/davfs2/secrets
                printf '%s\n' " mp davfs rw,user,uid=1000,noauto 0 0" >> /etc/fstab

or you can use rclone instead, which is much slower but doesn't require root (plus it keeps lastmodified on upload):

                rclone config create rive-dav webdav url= vendor=owncloud pacer_min_sleep=0.01ms user=k pass=pw
                rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 5s rive-dav: mp

or the emergency alternative (gnome/gui-only):

                echo pw | gio mount davs://
                osascript -e ' mount volume "" '

or you can open up a Finder, press command-K and paste this instead:


replace https with http if it doesn't work


if you can, install winfsp+rclone and then paste this in cmd:

connect with TLS-encrypted FTPS:

                rclone config create rive-ftps ftp port=3391 pass=k user=pw tls=false explicit_tls=true
                rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 5s rive-ftps: W:

if you want to use the native FTP client in windows instead (please dont), press win+R and run this command:

                explorer ftps://

connect with TLS-encrypted FTPS:

                rclone config create rive-ftps ftp port=3391 pass=k user=pw tls=false explicit_tls=true
                rclone mount --vfs-cache-mode writes --dir-cache-time 5s rive-ftps: mp

emergency alternative (gnome/gui-only):

                echo pw | gio mount ftps://

note: FTP is read-only on macos; please use WebDAV instead

                open ftps://

partyfuse -- fast, read-only, needs winfsp doesn't need root

   -a pw W:mp

you can use to upload (sometimes faster than web-browsers)
